3 Big Fears and How to Beat Them

Discover the top 3 sources of fear (HUA) and powerful strategies to overcome them.

This Newsletter at a Glance

šŸ˜Ø TL/DR: 3 Big Sources of Fear

šŸ’Ŗ Bonus: How to Gain Mastery Over Your Fears?

ā³ Sol Bites: How to Handle HUA

ā–¶ļø Video Bite: Neil Seligman on Living Beyond Your Fears

šŸ’­ Words of Wisdom

Where do our fears come from? And how do we live in a position of power rather than always being afraid?

Researchers have helped us figure out the answer. In one study, psychologists kept a list of all the fears they heard about from their clients and found that most of them originated from three distinct categories. If you are aware of those sources of fear, you can choose whether to push past them or allow them to hold you back.

TL/DR: 3 Big Sources of Fear

The three categories that drive most fears are helplessness, uncertainty, and abandonment (aka HUA). Letā€™s take a look at each one.

Fear of Feeling Helpless 

When you face a challenging situation (like when someone breaks up with you), you fear being powerless. As a result, you may overcompensate by trying to control other aspects of your life to feel less helpless or out of control. For example, someone might cope with a breakup by getting really regimented, going on a revenge diet, and following an intense workout plan. Worrying (chronic worry) can also be a coping mechanism to avoid feeling helpless.

Fear of Uncertainty

We are wired to fear the unknown and prefer the familiar. (Thatā€™s why some students will take easy classes they donā€™t care about rather than choosing courses on topics that interest them but might be challenging.) Nevertheless, there will always be uncertainty in your life, and even though avoiding it in the short term might provide temporary relief, it makes life much more challenging in the long run. Not only does fear of uncertainty constantly cause stress and anxiety, but it also forces you to miss out on experiences and erodes your confidence. The outcome? You wonā€™t embark on new adventures, meet new people, pursue different career paths, or acquire new skills.

Fear of Abandonment

This fear stems from wanting never to feel alone. People fear abandonment the most when they lack emotional intimacy or connection with others. For example, you might have developed a fear of abandonment if you were neglected by your parents or abandoned by someone important in your life. This fear can manifest in various ways, such as clinginess in relationships, fear of rejection, or even self-sabotage to avoid abandonment.

For example, if you are reluctant to date, try speed dating. If you want a new job, just ask people in your field to meet for coffee. If you want to move to a new city, visit a few times before moving.

How to Gain Mastery Over Your Fears?

Discover actionable tips to face your fears head-on.

Sol Bites: How to Handle the Big 3

Feeling Helpless

When you feel weak or powerless, your mind reacts by craving power or autonomy. To make matters worse, you may start developing expectations about how your situation will play out, and those expectations can lead to disappointment. To overcome the fear of helplessness, substitute your expectations (a certainty) for hopefulness. Having hope implies that you canā€™t control the outcomeā€”which is a good thing. 

Next time you feel helpless, or things feel out of control, try this little experiment: Whenever you talk to yourself about what you think will or should happen in the future, try rephrasing your thoughts. 

Instead of sayingā€¦

I canā€™t believe I fumbled that job interviewā€¦ I should have said X (expectation)


I canā€™t believe I fumbled that job interviewā€¦ I hope I do better next time. (hope)

Running that one little experiment can help you become more aware of how expectations operate in your life. Because if you unconsciously use expectations to avoid uncertainty and helplessness, youā€™re setting yourself up for much more pain and suffering in the long run. 

On the other hand, if you can learn to confront and accept your lack of control and certaintyā€”even in very small forms of self-talkā€”youā€™ll experience genuine emotional relief and confidence in the long term. Hold onto hope, but let go of expectation.

Feeling Uncertain. 

Like overcoming any excessive fear, the key to conquering the fear of uncertainty is facing it head-on rather than avoiding it. Here are a couple of tips to help you build emotional strength:

Start small by embracing uncertainty and tolerating anxiety in small situations or for short periods of time. As your confidence grows, challenge yourself with more difficult tasks.

Remember that just because something feels bad doesn't mean it is bad. Emotional pain, like hunger, is uncomfortable but won't harm you. Feeling anxious for a while is uncomfortable but not dangerous.

Emotionally fit people have healthy relationships with uncertainty. Like any relationship, it becomes stronger the more time you spend together.

Feeling Abandoned.

Recognize that this fear is about quality, not quantity. Even if you have a lot of people in your circleā€”friends on social media, a bunch of busy coworkers, and an active social lifeā€”you could still feel shut out or alone. When that happens, it could mean you are searching for emotional intimacy or better-quality connections. This means youā€™re looking for people with whom you can share how you feel and be understood.

But to feel emotional intimacy or a sense of belonging, you need to be willing to open up and be vulnerable.

Instead of fearing abandonment, consider it a valuable reminder. It could be your mind's way of signaling the importance of emotional connection, something we all yearn for. Embracing vulnerability may be challenging, but finding the emotional intimacy you want is necessary.

Video Bite

Sol TV Creator Neil Seligman shows us how to evolve our relationship with fear. Remember: those you admire often feel afraid, BUT they push through to do amazing things.  

Words of Wisdom


In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take, the relationships we were afraid to have, and the decisions we waited too long to make.

Lewis Carroll

Along the Same Linesā€¦

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Mona & The Sol TV Team ā¤ļø

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