Breaking Up with Bad Habits 💔

Discover the power of hypnotherapy to break free from bad habits and transform your life.

This Newsletter at a Glance:

🍫 Breaking Up with Sugar

💡 Alexandra Janelli’s Guide to Hypnotherapy

🍬 Sol Bites: 5 Step Process on Using Hypnotherapy

📑 TLDR: 4 Things to Break a Bad Habit for Good

I've always had a bit of a sweet tooth. Chocolate, ice cream, cake, you name it, and I'd be there, digging in. But a few years ago, my sugar dependency got out of hand, and it was starting to affect my health. I'd tried all the usual things to break the habit - dieting, exercising, cutting out certain types of sweets - but nothing seemed to work. I was starting to get frustrated. That's when I heard about hypnosis and Alexandra Janelli, Certified Hypnotherapist.

At first, I was a bit skeptical. How could someone talking to me in a low, soothing voice help me overcome my sweet tooth? After doing some research on Alexandra and her success stories, I decided to give it a try.

After a few sessions, I was amazed: My cravings were in control, and I was more mindful of my food choices. On top of that, she developed talk tracks that I could listen to and reduce stress in other parts of my life.

Interested in learning how hypnotherapy might work for you? Check out this Sol TV video with Alexandra Janelli, Sol TV Founding Creator.

🧠 Sol Bites: 5-Steps for Using Hypnotherapy

🤔 Start by identifying the triggers of your bad behavior. To help spot them, recall and visualize what you’re doing in the moments before you engage in the behavior.


📝 Make a list of the positive behaviors that will replace bad ones. It will help you focus on what you want to do instead of what you don't.


👍 Create a plan for when a strong urge hits. Have a few activities or strategies ready so you can redirect yourself.


🧠 Use hypnosis to reprogram your mind and make it easier to stick to your plan.


🙌 Practice self-compassion. Acknowledge the progress you make. Celebrate successes, no matter how small.

✅ TL;DR: 4 Changes Required to Break a Habit for Good

Whether you want to eat healthier or just remember to floss, experts say that if you want to replace a bad habit with a good one, you need to make four changes. Here are some journal prompts to help you get started:


What are my current habits, and how do I change my routine?


How can I create an environment supporting my new habits?


What are my limiting beliefs holding me back?


“What kind of person do I want to be?” and “What kind of person do I need to be to make this change?

Words of wisdom💡

Breaking a bad habit isn't about willpower. It’s about reconditioning your unconscious mind. Once you change your internal programming, the external behavior becomes effortless.

Steve Pavlina

Along the Same Lines…

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Mona & The Sol TV Team ❤️


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