Redefine Your Potential

Plus, expose and upgrade thoughts holding you back

This Newsletter at a Glance

🌷 TL/DR: The 5 Most Common Limiting Beliefs

🫧 Sol Bites: 10-Point Plan 

đź“ą Video Bite: Alexandra Janelli on Belief Systems

🦋 Words of Wisdom

Limiting beliefs are ideas that are deeply ingrained in our minds, restrict us from reaching our full potential, and hinder personal growth. These beliefs, usually formed during our childhood experiences and through social conditioning, act as roadblocks and prevent us from seizing opportunities and pursuing our dreams. 

It’s important to remember that limiting beliefs are not absolute truths. They are just subjective stories that we tell ourselves—and they can absolutely be altered with conscious effort.

TL/DR: The 5 Most Common LB’s

  1. Scarcity mindset Believing that resources, opportunities, and success are finite, leading to a fear that you will lose something if you take risks

  2. Imposter syndrome Feeling that your achievements are undeserved and that you will be exposed as a fraud, leading to self-doubt and self-sabotage

  3. Fear of failure Reluctance to try new things or take risks due to the fear of experiencing loss, disappointment or humiliation

  4. Fear of success Worry about the consequences and responsibilities of achieving success; this fear often leads to self-sabotage 

  5. Need for others' approval Constantly seeking validation and confirmation from others– hindering your ability to make independent decisions and pursue personal goals

Sol Bites: 10-Point Plan to Get Rid of LB’s

Now that we’ve put a name on the most common LBs, the next step is to recognize and challenge your limiting beliefs so you can move forward with personal growth.

Identify a limiting belief. The first step is to recognize the negative thoughts that are holding you back in different areas of life. Choose your biggest one.

Challenge your belief. Question the validity and accuracy. Look for evidence that contradicts it and consider alternative perspectives.

Replace your limiting beliefs with empowering ones. Formulate new, positive stories that support your goals and values. Repeat them to yourself regularly to reinforce them.

Take action and gather evidence. Prove a limiting belief wrong by taking small steps towards your goals. Accumulate evidence and successes that contradict the old belief.

Seek support. Surround yourself with inspiring and encouraging people. Share your challenges and progress with supportive friends or a coach who can provide guidance and accountability.

Adopt a growth mindset. Embrace the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through effort and learning. Emphasize personal growth rather than a fixed view of your capabilities.

Practice self-compassion. Be kind to yourself and avoid harsh self-judgment. Accept that mistakes are a normal part of the learning process and view them as opportunities for growth.

Reprogram your subconscious mind. Use visualization, affirmations, and repetition to rewire your subconscious mind with new empowering beliefs.

Take responsibility for your thoughts and actions. Recognize that you have control over your thoughts and behaviors. Take ownership of your choices and commit to making positive changes.

By consistently applying this 10-step process to each limiting belief, you will overcome them and create a mindset that aligns with your goals and aspirations.

Video Bite

Do your beliefs lift you up or weigh you down? Sol TV Creator Alexandra Janelli shares how our belief systems can either support or sabotage us.

We absorb beliefs from society that might not actually serve our happiness. It’s about time to re-evaluate our lens on life. Do your beliefs help you see the brightness in the world or filter it into darkness? 

Words of Wisdom


Don't limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you.

Mary Kay Ash, Beauty Entrepreneur

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Mona & The Sol TV Team ❤️

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