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  • The Real Reason You're Not Going After Your Dreams

The Real Reason You're Not Going After Your Dreams

Discover why your dreams stay dreams and how to finally achieve what you want.

This Newsletter at a Glance

✨ Why You Don’t Pursue Your Dreams

🤔 TL/DR: What’s in Your Way?

🎁 Bonus: How to Set Goals That Matter

💡 Sol Bites: 5 Key Questions

🎬 Video Bite: Greg Carruthers on Perfectionist Trap 

💭 Words of Wisdom

Why You Don’t Pursue Your Dreams

Why do we always talk about our dreams but never pursue them?

We talk about wanting to be healthy but then struggle to find the time to hit the gym or change our diet. We talk about wanting a stronger marriage but don’t prioritize date nights or being vulnerable with our partner. We talk about starting our own business but listen to podcast after podcast as a way of procrastinating and don’t take action.

So what's the deal?

TL/DR: What’s in Your Way?

Big goals and dreams can come with constraints and obstacles that feel daunting. If you think you have insufficient time, money, or resources to realize your dream, then you may squash it. 

But perhaps the real issue is that you want the things you dream about less than you think.

Maybe you don't care about being super fit because the effort isn’t worth it. Maybe you’re embarrassed to admit that getting in shape isn't a top priority.

Maybe you're stuck in cycles of starts and stops because you're afraid to admit you don’t honestly want what you think you should want.

Or could it be that you don't pursue your goals because you haven’t considered—or don’t want to deal with—the sacrifices and compromises you'd have to make to be successful? 

Or here’s another idea: It could be that our subconscious holds us back from things we don't really want deep down. "Procrastination" is a way of avoiding things we know we aren't fully committed to pursuing.

If you're tired of chasing goals that don't resonate with you, keep reading to learn how to set meaningful ones that align with your values and discover practical strategies for achieving them.

Sol Bites: 5 Key Questions

If you want to determine whether you have the desire and drive to realize a dream, ask yourself these five questions: 

1) Why do I even want this goal?

What is the real reason driving you? Is your “why” so purpose-driven that it will get you out of bed on the darkest days?

2) What do I gain by achieving my goal? 

Who do you get to meet? What doors open for you? What do you get to experience? How would your life be impacted?

3) What will I lose if I don't go for it? 

What opportunities would you miss if you didn’t pursue this dream? What are the downsides?

4) What if I do nothing and let life pass me by? 

Do you feel fulfilled right now? Is anything missing? Fast forward 20 to 30 years. Will you be filled with regret if you don’t fulfill your goal—or even try?

5) What happens if I succeed?

What will you feel when you’ve achieved your vision? What will your life look like? What changes are you anticipating, and how do you feel about them? And be on the lookout for self-sabotage, which looks like procrastination, comforting eating, or intentionally messing up because you’re afraid of what happens when you succeed.

There are plenty of worthwhile goals out there. Don't waste time chasing after things you don't genuinely want.

Video Bite

Perfectionism can hold our goals back. Sol TV Creator, Greg Carruthers offers a solution: the 2-Minute Rule. If a task takes less than 2 minutes, do it immediately rather than stressing over it. Watch now. 

Words of Wisdom

The biggest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams.

Oprah Winfrey

Along the Same Lines…

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Mona & The Sol TV Team ❤️

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